Preparing Your Art Prints For Display...

Preparing Your Art Prints For Display...

Preparing Art Prints for Display: From Unboxing to Framing

Displaying art prints in your space can transform the ambiance, adding personality and color to your surroundings. However, the journey from receiving your art print to hanging it on the wall involves careful preparation to ensure the print is showcased at its best. This article guides you through the process of preparing your art prints for display, emphasizing the importance of handling and flattening your prints before framing.

Unboxing Your Art Print

Art prints often arrive rolled inside fibreboard tubes to protect them during shipping. This packaging method is effective for preventing damage but leaves the prints curled and unsuitable for immediate framing. The unboxing process, therefore, is the first step in preparing your print for display.

Upon receiving your art print, carefully remove it from the fibreboard tube. It’s crucial to handle the print delicately to avoid creasing or tearing, especially if it's printed on high-quality paper that can be more susceptible to damage. Wear clean gloves if possible to prevent oils from your skin from transferring to the print.

Flattening Your Art Print

After unboxing, your print will need some time to flatten out before it can be framed. This step is essential for removing any curls or rolls that occurred during shipping. To flatten your print, follow these steps:

1. Find a Clean, Flat Surface: Lay the print on a clean, flat surface. Ensure the area is free from dust and moisture to prevent any damage to the print.
2. Apply Weight Evenly: Cover the print with a clean, flat piece of material, like a sheet of paper larger than the print itself, to protect its surface. Then, place a flat, evenly distributed weight across the print. Books are an excellent choice for this purpose. The goal is to apply gentle, even pressure without damaging the print.
3. Wait 24-48 Hours: Leave the weights on top of the print for 24-48 hours. This time allows the print to adjust gradually to the flat surface without the risk of warping or creasing. Depending on the paper type and the extent of the curl, the time required can vary.

Ready for Framing

After allowing sufficient time for the print to flatten, it should be perfectly flat and ready for framing. Framing not only enhances the appearance of the print but also provides protection against environmental factors like dust, moisture, and UV rays. When choosing a frame, consider the style of the print and your decor to ensure they complement each other. Opting for UV-protected glass or acrylic can further preserve the color and integrity of your art print over time.


Preparing your art prints for display by carefully unboxing and flattening them before framing is a simple yet crucial process. It ensures that your prints look their best and are preserved for years to come. By following these steps, you can transform your living or working space with beautifully displayed art that reflects your personal style and enhances your environment.


Written by and for THE POSTER HAUS

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